Friday 15 November 2013

Thieving away

Theft is in my day-to-day life at the moment. A lot of thieving going around. A thieving spree to be just. It is not I in action, I´m the mere victim - if one can call me that. 

A couple of nights ago someone got in to our studio at school and had a go on all of our stuff, the main attack though was on a mates external hard drive and camera - all neatly locked away in the drawer. Odd and bizarre, and strangely precise. No one else's drawer got lock-picked! The whole event got a lot worse when we found out that 8 years of work was on that hard drive. All gone. Forever. Going on eternity. And me? They took my stash of clay! The WHOLE stash… 

That was one.

The other one is the incident at Hagabion (a fine little cafĂ©/restaurant/pub in Haga) a month ago, or two, when we got together to celebrate our dear L on her birthday. We had a blast! It was one of those nights of just sitting and talking and laughing and enjoying each others company. More and more people dropped by and to soon the evening came to an end. As we were the last ones there, and the place was closing down, we gathered our stuff and headed for the door when L suddenly threw her hands in the air and exclaimed that her bag was gone. Just to clarify. Of the whole party of eight, L is the only one not from Sweden. An exchange student away from home and family, experiencing a new culture and way of life. Up till now, during her stay in our country, she´d already had her bike stolen. And now it was time again. And her bag was an effing gold mine. Two phones (one with a swedish number, the other from back home), all of her cards, information and numbers, her house keys (she´s renting a room in a family household), the address and not to forget her wallet with 1500 swedish crowns in cash. Bah! What an end to a fantastic night, and a birthday celebration. Calls were made to the police, a pain to get in touch with her host family, calling home to her mum and dad to get all cards and phone blocked, needless to say - the night ended way pass the intended hours. 

To top it off. A couple of days later she got her cell phone bill. The result; some hundreds of euros. And that was even though she managed to block the phone within two hours after it had been stolen. Now that´s a proper birthday gift! 

The week after, W got mugged in broad day light on his way to work. A douchebag on a bike actually grabbed the phone out of Ws hands and vanished down the street at full throttle. The nerve! W then spend one hour cruising the neighborhoods in the back seat of a police car. Now that is action! 

So what happens next week? Well, if I´ll have a guess - something will be stolen? 

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