Anyways, some weeks ago we were sitting in the kitchen with KDAY on, when a voice went on air talking about what Los Angeles Lakers and "that idiot hm hm" Chris Brown have in common... both are losers! "Lakers - 'cause they had a four-game losing streak, Chris - well, 'cause he's just a loser!" I was baffled and I was amazed. And finally it just cracked me up - did he really say that on the radio? Not long after that, the story of the fight between Chris and Frank Ocean was brought to light. Apparently Chris picked a fight with Frank because of a parking lot - Franks parking lot. He picked a fight. Over a parking lot. While he is on probation for another assault. Why is this guy still around?
Translation: Lyssnar på en radiokanal
från South Los Angeles där programledaren lugnt en dag proklamerade att Chris är en jubelidiot - jag satte kaffet i halsen (han sa det väldigt fyndigt). Snopen och perplex tänkte jag: än finns det hopp i USA trots allt. I alla fall är hip hop världen (eller Kalifornien) med på noterna. Men ändå, fortfarande, efter händelsen med Rihanna, och Frank Ocean, och icke fullbordade samhällstjänster, varför är han fortfarande här?
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