Thursday, 6 November 2014

what you doin' in the club on a Thursday?

Fun facts I've picked up during my first weeks at UdK:

1. People smoke in school. Inside the actual school. Granted, not in the studio, but in the hall ways, on the staircases - thick deep smoke from roll-your-own cigarettes. 
2. Germans drink juices and sodas all the time. Not water, but juices. When they are thirsty they buy a glass bottle of juice. When we have a five minute break, they buy a glass bottle of juice. And then they sip that through out the whole day, until they buy another one. 
3. On our ground floor the toilets are lit with UV lights. The headache when you really need to relieve yourself and enter a dark, small cubicle with only the glowing toilet paper as a guide on your way. 
4. Our crouqis model not only has a huge vagina tattooed on her upper back - I mean huge, with specific detailing - she was also wearing a tampon during last session. My first impulse was to stand up, slow clap and end with raising my hands in a foam-finger-matter yelling You go girl! But I didn´t. 
I just kept thinking how she was coping - how did she feel lying there all naked with that deep dull aching, spasmodic pain, the irradiant feeling down your back and upper thighs… aaaah, I really hate having my period.  

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