Saturday, 9 March 2013

Let me add a little colour to the picture

Had a night out last night. Some big event to attendDespite harsh wind, cold fingers and frozen smiles, never ending queues, a dead phone and only-cash payment - my little gang and I finally found ourselves turning to the music on the floor. As we flaunted and got our dance on, this neat beat grabbed our attention. The atmosphere exploded. We turned around and there was a rapper on stage busting her rhymes - Amplify Dot from the UK. What an energy, what a wordsmith! 

Not long after Ms Rapper left us - straight back in the hands of Mr DJ - the music went silent, giving room for Samba Furia. A drum band that filled the place up with heavy, intense, fierce beat á la the Rio Carnival. The roof lifted and everyone tried their best to move somewhat like brazilian samba dancers - can´t say anyone succeeded, but A for effort (well, B-). 

Anyways, after that we kept moving until late. 

Translation: Hamnade på dansgolvet igår kväll. Var inte beredda på det men fann oss skaka kroppen till härliga samba rytmer och gunga tungt till Amplify Dots texter och takter innan vi fortsatte natten med den planerade dansen till herr DJs låtlistor. 

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