Pulled myself out of bed at 06.00 this morning to greet Lucia and her peeps down at Hagakyrkan. What a sight it was to see the gatherings outside the church in the early hours of the morning, waiting to be let in. Tired, oh so tired, but craving for some lit candles and choir songs. As it was to start - everyone went silent - 'til we heard a voice from above: Ehrm, the door is stuck. We´ve got the party of Lucia locked in. Please help.
Anyways, they got out and this is me capturing the atmosphere...
And so the first term is done. After 95 days, I am suddenly 30 ECTS richer and one Fourth closer the end. It all went by way to fast but through it all I had a blast.
I am setting sail for the next phase now, new adventures are ahead with competitions to be entered, continents to be re-visited, dead-lines to be conquered.
Translation: Och så var ännu en termin avslutad. Spurten. Målet. Slutsignalen. Färdig. Märkligt hur snabbt det gick. Märkligt hur roligt det har varit. Märkligt hur snart det är dags igen. Inom kort hissas alla segel och vi sätter fart mot nya destinationer. Återigen bär det av mot gamla kontinenter, återigen börjar det planeras. Är det dags för Afrika igen?