Friday, 30 August 2013

Bling, bling with extra bling

When abroad I´ve taken it to a habit to spend an evening at the cinema. A couple of months ago we did just that - the cause of the visit was the new Sofia Coppola movie The Bling Ring (2013). As always, Coppola has made a real treat for the eyes - fantastic visual candy combined with a splendid soundtrack - just perfect for those hot summer days. But the storyline - unbelievable and off the charts disturbing. 

I was sick to my stomach walking out of there. Seeing how those teenagers acted, how they reasoned with their actions, how they floundered in other peoples wealth was disturbing. But what was more disturbing was that I indeed could understand why and how they ended up doing what they did. No big deal. Would anyone miss that Balenciaga bracelet amongst the other ten Balenciaga bracelets? Or that Givenchy dress way back in the closet from three seasons ago? 
Those images of jewelry, accessories, bags and expensive shoes just laying around in piles got the best of me after 1 hour and 30 minutes. I was nauseous. 

It didn't get better. As we got out from the cinema we entered the exquisite world of the Bling Bling. The cinema was located on the top floor of this huge, shiny, shopping mall. It was ten o'clock in the evening and people were still spending their money - buying the newest attire, the coolest watch, the biggest earrings. There we stood, feeling depressed, with no hope for the future generations. I bowed my head done and a pair of newly acquired sandals covered with tiny sparkling stones caught my eyes. Enclosed was a row of ten beautifully manicured red toe nails. With that came a heavy, big necklace consisting of a dozen different stones and pearls. And it was all worn by me. 

Translation: Soundtracket till Sofia Coppolas nya film The Bling Ring är fantastiskt. Det är bara att dra på på högsta volym och njuta av sommarens sista soliga dagar.

Thursday, 29 August 2013

the last days of August

Hilleshögs dalar  - a nature reserve with the most exquisite sight.

Yesterday, my sister woke up with the urge of forcing me out of my peaceful comfort zone - our house - for the sake of a stroll through the beautiful nature reserve we have within a 2,5 miles radius of our home. It was a most wonderful day and definitely the perfect timing for a visit to Hilleshögs dalar. With the sun in our back (yes, we got sun burned) we skipped and hopped through the marvelous landscape setting our target for the little seaside village of Ålebodarna. The idea was to celebrate our walk in the park with something mighty fine once we reached the village - herring sandwiches or a cold beer. Anything really.

By the time we got there our tummies were craving to be filled and our throats dry as the brown grass underneath the burning sun. But there was nothing to be found. What a disappointment! So we turned around - exhausted, without any energy left (no, we did not bring water with us), praying that we wouldn´t pass out from a heatstroke (the story of Tarantino's editor Sally Menke, who died during a hike from heat exhaustion, was a main topic during our effort to get back). But what a day, what a marvelous day! The beauty, the sight was breathtaking. So worth the sore muscles today.

Translation: Systern och jag vandrade genom Hilleshögs dalar i gårdagens varma väder. Sista sommardagen var här och vi skulle prompt göra något värdefullt av den. Och vilken dag det blev. Hade glömt vilken hisnande vacker vy det är därifrån. Som från en annan värld. 

Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Cody ChesnuTT in town for the night

First time I heard of Mr. ChesnuTT was on Dave Chappelle's Block Party back in 2005. He played along side The Roots, performing their great song The Seed (2.0) - which is a remake of Codys song from his album The Seed. 

Anyways, on that show I mistakenly took Questlove (Ahmir Khalib Thompson) for Cody ChesnuTT (don´t ask me how) and for months to come I would walk around thinking Cody was Ahmir in The Roots. Everytime their songs were played, or their pictures were shown, everytime they were mentioned - I would proudly shout Cody ChesnuTT pointing at Ahmir like a 6-year old just discovering the meaning of the word ball, thinking I was in sync with the great world of hard core music lovers and knowers. It wasn´t until much, much later that my sister (who thought I was playing her a joke all along) finally exclaimed: Are you actually thinking that is Cody!? whilst watching Ahmir on the screen in front of us. I was taken aback. What the...??? 

From that day on, now as a joke, I still shout out Cody when I see Ahmir or The Roots. And when Mr. ChesnuTT finally came to town for a night, I just had to go and see him. And what a fine night it was! 

Translation: Möttes upp av sångerna från Cody ChesnuTT i lördags. Det blev en del allsång, en del dans i publiken - främst jag - och en drös med nöjda miner. Lite besviken över att inga av låtarna jag faktiskt kunde spelades, men mer än glad över att äntligen ha sett herr ChesnuTT live.