Tuesday, 30 April 2013
4 months 3 weeks and 2 days
A couple of nights ago, instead of going off to bed (to rest my pretty head on a pillow), I planted myself in front of the TV and got completely mesmerized by this picture - 4 months 3 weeks & 2 days written and directed by Cristian Mungiu. Stunning storytelling with a capturing of the communist era so spot on, so perfect, down to the last detail... The way the hotel receptionist arrogantly starts to talk about her miserable life over the phone with a fellow worker - whilst the guest in front of her quietly waits for their problem to be taken care of. Spot on comical! Have had that done to me before, a numerous amount of times. Anyways, see it!
Translation: Såg 4 månader 3 veckor och 2 dagar för några veckor sedan. En väldigt bra gjord film av den rumänska filmskaparen Cristian Mungiu. Jag utlyser behovet av fler sådana här filmer, tack!
Monday, 22 April 2013
School picture in want
I wish I had a school picture like this - with me doing the genius pose that Jason Segel strikes on the left side. Here as Nick in Freaks and Geeks. I made an attempt in the ninth grade, but had a strange woollen cap on and a facial expression that did not read "I couldn't/wouldn't/don't give a shit" as Jason's does, instead I just look miserable - all in all, the photo is nowhere close in looking as brilliant as this one. Just adding on to all of my other disappointments.
Translation: Jag önskar jag hade ett skolfoto som detta på Nick (Jason Segel) i Freaks and Geeks - han till vänster då alltså. Så perfekt! Gjorde ett försök till det i nian - exakt samma pose, men med ett helt annat resultat - inte lika slagkraftigt med mig som modell med andra ord.
Friday, 19 April 2013
What is this I'm feeling, Pharrell?
Drake keeps delivering lyrics - all love themed, packed with deep life observations... Have a listen to this one with James Fauntleroy! Because girls love Beyoncé.
Whilst Pharrell is back, providing us with some sweet sound once again - accompanied by no other than - surprise, surprise - old Daft Punk. What is this I´m feeling? Damn Pharrell - your voice - that just hits the nail on the head of what my soul feeds on.
Translation: Pharrell får mig i gungning medan Drake slår en homerun igen tillsammans med James Fauntleroy! Missa inte att fylla öronen med detta ljuva.
Wednesday, 17 April 2013
and then it was off to London
not the place where I had my fish'n'chips, and mrs. Thatcher was with us during the whole weekend.
I spent two lovely days in London with the two most amazing friends. W is now living in London-town, whilst B wanted to celebrate her birthday there - I just tagged along for the fun off it.
paid a visit to Borough Market.
very, very low tide.
walking along the Thames, we were accompanied by some rock'n'roll... bursting out from the actual river.
Ate some pretty nasty fish'n'chips - complete and utter disappointment it was. Thought I would relive that amazing culinary experience I'd had in Dublin a while back ago, but I was miserably wrong. Haven't given up hope yet, though.
I missed out on the opportunity to eat some heavenly (one can only imagine this time) mexican street food along the Thames, but it´s on my list for my next visit - I am obsessed with mexican street food.
Went to Shoreditch with my peeps on Sunday. The sun was shining (from behind the grey clouds) and we were met by the view of hundreds of ladies and gents (actually mostly men) standing in a colorful queue waiting to get in to the Crepe City Sneaker Festival where they were ensured to find the best and rarest trainers from all of their favorite brands on sale that day.
We, however, spent the entire day on Brick Lane where we had some epic laughs and a great time together. My gosh, the amount of eye candy we had on our disposal - beautiful, gorgeous people where ever our heads turned - and our heads did turn!
On our last evening together we decided to hit a Comedy Club. Actually pre-booked and pre-paid our tickets online only to, later on at the door, find out that the show was on for free. Well now, wasn´t that strange!? We got our money back, decided to spend them on beer instead - watching the show for free. And the comedy? Yes, we did laugh!
Translation: Två dagar i London med två godingar! Det blev en del fotografier, en del promenader, en del "tube"-åkningar, en del prat med främlingar - som lite senare blev vänner med en på facebook, en del skratt, en del sura miner, en del dans på stora klubbar, en del sightseeing, en del sena nätter, en del mys.
Friday, 12 April 2013
on the hunt
found this one at Zara.
It is all about dresses these days. I'm on the hunt for a perfect dress and found this gorgeous thing, ah the print!, yesterday. Tried it on, and yes - it's as gorgeous on me as on the rack. Fell in love with it. If I would be marrying today, this would be the dress I would wear.
Translation: Hittade denna vackra sak hängandes på en galge igår. Provade den - satt som en smäck, som handen i handsken, gjord bara för mig. Hade jag gift mig idag, hade jag haft denna klänning på mig.
Wednesday, 10 April 2013
Monday, 8 April 2013
Don't like small talk, love rainy days.
I'm waiting for the silver liquid drops to beat upon the windows once again. It's about time it visits us - the so awaited spring (and summer) rain. To be gently awakened by soft drops tapping on the windows above my bed is my favorite thing in the world - a drum and beat sound that fills the entire house with such calmness and tranquility, sedating us all - what a joy, what a lovely feeling. I´m longing. Until then...
Translation: Jag njuter av att vakna upp till ljudet av knastrande vårregn mot fönsterrutan. Detta vatten som sprider ett sådant lugn i huset. Inga måsten, ingen brådska - regnet bestämmer. Allt tycks sakta ner, jag hamnar i viloläge. Åå, detta regn, vad jag trånar efter det!
Thursday, 4 April 2013
Tuesday, 2 April 2013
Haute couture
A real dose of euphoria and exaltation hit me as I walked through the doors of this divine and heavenly place - masterpieces where ever my eyes wandered off to. The basement of Lado is filled with divine and incredible handicrafts, like a huge treasure chest stuffed with inspiration for the next haute couture season. Absolutely breathtaking and mind blowing what people actually wore some hundred years ago, all made by there own hands.
Translation: Vilken lycka jag infann mig i när jag möttes av denna vy innanför väggarna hos Lado. Mästerverk så långt ögat kunde se. Hela källaren fylld med tusentals gudomliga och otroliga hantverk. En gigantisk skattkista full av inspiration till nästa haute couture säsong. Mönsterna, dekorationerna, tygerna, snitten - detaljrikedomen! Makalöst, och helt himmelskt, att folk klädde sig så här för si sådär några hundra år sedan - efter egen fantasi, genom egna händer.
Monday, 1 April 2013
an egg for you
An easter spent in snow - that´s a first.
Translation: Första påsk någonsin som firats med snöflingor närvarande.
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