Thursday, 21 March 2013
Seasonal affective disorder shit
Off to the southern latitudes tomorrow! Was hoping for some spring, sunshine, warmth - anything to pull me away from the winter blues - but the backstabbing weather reporter keeps talking about snow and degrees below zero. Anyways, it will be an intense week and I´ll be loving every second of it.
Translation: Ska till sydligare breddgrader imorgon! Trodde jag skulle mötas av vår, blommor, sol, värme, långa timmar på uteserveringar - men verkligheten bankade på dörren - vart än jag åker, följer snö och minusgrader med. Det kommer i alla fall bli en underbar och galet intensiv resa, och jag kommer älska varje sekund.
Wednesday, 20 March 2013
Batman at his best
At times they call me batman...
- Who's this?
- Batman.
- Who?
- Bat (!!)... Man!
Saturday, 16 March 2013
Wednesday, 13 March 2013
wednesday equals music
This is the second offering from the L.A. musician Banks. Heard her voice for the first time a couple of days ago - been loving it all the way since. Her debut "Before I Met You" haven't been running on my playlist - been to occupied putting "Fall Over" on repeat - so I do not know that much about her and her music - but will dig into that asap, 'cause this, this I like.
Translation: Fick denna ljuva stämma presenterad för mig för några dagar sedan. Gillar hennes "Fall Over" starkt. Kanske tröttnar jag snart på denna enorma sångförmåga som vävts samman med de elektroniska elementen, men just nu - just nu tycker jag att slutresultatet är himmelskt. Lyssna på Banks.
Tuesday, 12 March 2013
So it is Amsterdam
Spent a weekend in Amsterdam last summer. Could spend a weekend there anytime! I find myself thinking about the canals often these days, as spring is approaching. And the strolls we made and the buildings we saw and bicycles we heard.
We were walking down a tiny backstreet one afternoon and passed a hotel where two blokes were packing up, getting ready to leave. We got eye contact with one of them. A pair of timid, light brown eyes, peaked out from under a hat and caught my attention. Our gaze met, and as it did my friend grabbed hold of my arm - squeezing tighter, and tighter, and tighter. As we got to the end of the street, turning around the corner, ending up inside our destination - the second hand shop Episode - my friend got up close to me. Face to face, staring intensely into my eyes, with a smile on her face she said - that was Jack White! - and started to dance around the shop.
Zlatan was with us, and so were the flamingos.
Architecture I dream about, a stork flown through the window and a visit at the van Gogh museum.
Was very pleased with myself when we finally found and got to the Housing Silo (Silodam) done by MVRDV.
Fell in love with some flowers at the Albert Cuypmarkt, which is said to be Amsterdam's largest and busiest market.
Sunday, 10 March 2013
I be on the hotline like err'day, Makin' sure the DJ know what I want him to play
Rhye – Open
Ryan Hemsworth's remix on Open
Ta-ku – Higher, but a remix by Flume
Sohn – Bloodflows
Cass McCombs – If you loved me before
Kurt Vile – Wakin on a pretty day
Breakbot feat. Irfane – One Out of Two - mostly because of the video
Devendra Banharts's new album Mala
Nicolas Jaar
Rockie Fresh's new mixtape Electric Highway, especially The Lights [Prod. By Lifted]
Chester Watson
Joey bada$$ – Unorthodox
Day Savage – When it Rains f/ Aloe Blacc
These tunes have been walking with me during the last couple of days and will continue to surround me through out the week to come.
Translation: Detta är den låtlista som kommer spelas i min närvaro den kommande veckan.
Saturday, 9 March 2013
Let me add a little colour to the picture
Had a night out last night. Some big event to attend. Despite harsh wind, cold fingers and frozen smiles, never ending queues, a dead phone and only-cash payment - my little gang and I finally found ourselves turning to the music on the floor. As we flaunted and got our dance on, this neat beat grabbed our attention. The atmosphere exploded. We turned around and there was a rapper on stage busting her rhymes - Amplify Dot from the UK. What an energy, what a wordsmith!
Not long after Ms Rapper left us - straight back in the hands of Mr DJ - the music went silent, giving room for Samba Furia. A drum band that filled the place up with heavy, intense, fierce beat á la the Rio Carnival. The roof lifted and everyone tried their best to move somewhat like brazilian samba dancers - can´t say anyone succeeded, but A for effort (well, B-).
Anyways, after that we kept moving until late.
Translation: Hamnade på dansgolvet igår kväll. Var inte beredda på det men fann oss skaka kroppen till härliga samba rytmer och gunga tungt till Amplify Dots texter och takter innan vi fortsatte natten med den planerade dansen till herr DJs låtlistor.
Not long after Ms Rapper left us - straight back in the hands of Mr DJ - the music went silent, giving room for Samba Furia. A drum band that filled the place up with heavy, intense, fierce beat á la the Rio Carnival. The roof lifted and everyone tried their best to move somewhat like brazilian samba dancers - can´t say anyone succeeded, but A for effort (well, B-).
Anyways, after that we kept moving until late.
Translation: Hamnade på dansgolvet igår kväll. Var inte beredda på det men fann oss skaka kroppen till härliga samba rytmer och gunga tungt till Amplify Dots texter och takter innan vi fortsatte natten med den planerade dansen till herr DJs låtlistor.
Friday, 8 March 2013
Disrespect us no they won´t
posted during a grand week in april 2012 on TFH.
Alright, I know she ain´t Madam Secretary no more, but she still rocks it. Here´s a shout out to Ms Hillary and all my other peeps, ladies and magnificent creatures.
Cher Horowitz in Clueless - loosely based on the novel Emma by, the always incredible and my all-time favorite, Jane Austen.
Translation: Okej, jag vet att hon inte är utrikesminister längre, men Hillary Clinton är fortfarande bad-ass. En dag som denna bör hon lyftas fram, tillsammans med dessa oförglömliga, hysteriskt roliga och smarta posts som cirkulerade på Tumblr, Twitter och Facebook förra året. Givetvis är hon bara en i mängden av alla andra hjältinnor, damer och fantastiska varelser som vandrar på denna planet.
Wednesday, 6 March 2013
Chloë I like
I like Chloë Sevigny's style and I like Chloë Sevigny's clothes and have been liking it for years now. I like the way she talks and the stories she´s got to tell. She´s interesting, completely gorgeous - with an amazing fashion sense. On top of the style ladder for ages. A true source of inspiration!
Translation: Kvinnan har stil och kan mode - Chloë Sevigny!
Tuesday, 5 March 2013
Monday, 4 March 2013
after four vodka sodas I realized, I had something to say
These are the shows that will have my attention throughout 2013.
- Homeland (Showtime)
- True Blood (HBO)
- Suits (USA Network)
- Girls (HBO)
- The Mindy Project (Fox)
- The Mindy Project (Fox)
I've been watching The Mindy Project for a couple of days straight now - it´s the perfect show to kick-back and relax to. Have had some pretty insane laugh attacks whilst watching Mindy and the others do their thing - already picked up some memorable quotes that will stay with me during this spring. Hilarious.
- Cougar Town (TBS)
- Happy Endings (ABC)
- Veep (HBO)
- 24 Hours in A&E (BBC)
- The Big C (Showtime)
- Luck (HBO)
- Community (NBC)
- Cougar Town (TBS)
- Happy Endings (ABC)
- Veep (HBO)
- 24 Hours in A&E (BBC)
- The Big C (Showtime)
- Luck (HBO)
- Community (NBC)
Translation: Kommer att följa dessa karaktärer på TV nu i vår, sommar, höst och vinter. Slår ett slag för komediserien The Mindy Project - roligt, roligt, roligt!
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